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Conformation Biomechanics 4 disc DVD course

Conformation Biomechanics 4 disc DVD course


CONFORMATION BIOMECHANICS: The Building Blocks of Conformation (Mini-course on DVD)
Taught by Dr. Deb Bennett, Ph.D.


Here is the help on being able to "see" all the specific points of conformation that so many horse owners have written Dr. Deb to ask for. This fascinating 4-DVD set is all about "form to function" - how different body proportions help a horse to do athletic work. Much detail concerning plusses to look for and problem areas to avoid in making a purchase. You will find many pointers on how to tell what your horse might be good at, so as to help you design the best training program for horses of different build.

Conformation is the study of body proportions, and the external appearance of the body is largely the result of proportions of the skeleton within. So that you can learn these relationships easily and directly, on this program Dr. Deb works back and forth between her handsome gelding Oliver and an actual horse skeleton, guiding your study of the topline, underline, neck, shoulder, back, haunch, forelimbs, hindlimbs, and hooves. Biomechanical models and graphics expand your understanding of joint function and hindlimb angles. Features many of Dr. Debs innovations in horse conformation and biomechanics, including palpation points, how to calculate overall body balance, the importance of analytical planes in assessing the straightness of limbs, how much "bone" is enough, head-twirling, the three stages of collection, whole-body straightness, and the global effects on athletic capability of the horse's overall size and weight.

More than 25 years ago, Dr. Deb began impacting the horse industry by raising conformation study from mere fault-picking to systematic science. This DVD program brings together a lifetime of data-gathering and observation from one of the worlds premier conformation analysts - a great value that you will not want to miss.

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